Well this week at AMFC we actually got some flying done.
Saturday was our last training weekend as we now revert to Friday evenings in the summer.
A few of the students attended but intermittent rain really didn’t help. We got some training done though.
One of the students got presented with his RC wings in recognition of passing his A-test last week.
The pictures shows his happy face. Just before we saw his sad face as one of those landings happened!
The high crosswind, blowing straight out from behind us was challenging to say the least. Alas, some time spent with glue and things’ll be fine.
Sunday saw better weather and a few club members turned up. I actually got my orange CAP sorted. It was fixed at Marcs a month or so ago but needed some serious tuning to get back in the air. After Mr Scientist and me spent about two hours tweaking it was going ace. In addition, now I’ve learnt about how ‘Idle Up’ works hopefully no more dead sticks.
Marc also got his T33 fixed. This was broke as a result of a low inverted pass (See a previous blog). It was flying well so he’s well happy 🙂
See the video.
Marcs T33