Right then, its two weeks since the last blog so a few things to catch up on…
For those that don’t know Scotland won the F3a triple crown. Ace result for Scotland. It also means that Scotland host this comp next year.
In other news….
Training is going well at the club, and on Saturday we got quite a few flights in.
Although, the club trainer (its fixed now) did, maybe, land in the field due to a stalled engine that resulted in a badly bent nose-wheel.
And then stalled again resulting in the wing bolt retaining plate coming loose. A little bit of patience, and a fair bit of epoxy and its all fine now.
I guess some tuning of the engine is required but that’ll have to happen next week.
My new F3a plane is done, and its flown. Although a few tweaks are still to be made hopefully I’ll get to trimming it out over the winter and getting the A25 schedule learnt ready for next season.
On Sunday the weather was ok’ish in the morning and a few flights were had. One member however did have an incident with the floor ground resulting in a repair being needed.
Once the weather turned against us we did what most aeromodellers do in such times…. retire to the cabin and get coffee and a natter.
Huge congratulations are also in order to Ian Morrow.
He’s completed his basic AMFC Tea/Coffee making certificate. If you’ve ever been to our club you’ll know that unless the burger bar is open that getting coffee made happens less frequently than Angus council fixing pot-holes. But Ian persevered and managed it, just. His certificate is shown below 🙂
Its a very small step but its encouraging. The last picture below shows his gallant effort. Notice he’s overcoming the nerves of actually being near the kettle so is still having to lean in. His next step is the A(TEA) cert but that’s gonna take some study first, small steps.