Site And Safety Rules

Below is the Angus Model Flying Club site and safety rules.
These rules come into force immediately.
A downloaded able version is also below.

Site And Safety Rules.

Air Navigation order Article 74 “Endangering” set down by the Civil Aviation Authority states:
A Person shall not recklessly or negligently cause or permit an aircraft to endanger any person or property“

  1. All members / visitors must observe field discipline and comply with the Air Navigation Order, all relevant safety codes as contained within the BMFA Members’ Handbook / SAA Safety and Achievement Manual and Civil Aviation publication (CAP) 658. Breaches of Article 16 or reportable occurrences must be reported via the BMFA portal. (

    The field discipline, which applies to all aircraft including helicopters and multi-rotor craft, includes:
    • Requesting permission for take off to other pilots.
    • Announcing landings.
    • Announcing when entering the runways.
    • Announcing when clear of the runways.
    • Announcing low passes and the direction of such.
    • Pilots must stand within the pilots box for take-off, flying and landing aircraft, with due regard for wind direction.
      (See next point for hand launch aircraft)
    • Glider and hand launch pilots may enter the runway for take off.
    • After take-off, aircraft should be turned away from the pits and spectator area.
    • Taxying is not permitted in the pits area.
  2. All pilots and visiting pilots must have valid approved insurance and be prepared to produce evidence of validity prior to aircraft operations.
  3. All pilots on site are responsible for site safety. A safety officer may be nominated during a flying session, or other activity, if deemed appropriate.
    All committee members are considered safety officers.
  4. Aircraft over 7.5Kg shall only flown by pilots that have a current BMFA or SAA certificate.
  5. For 35MHz flying, no transmitter is to be switched on until the appropriate frequency peg has been obtained. The club peg system must always be adhered to.
  6. Transmitters are to be kept securely by the pilot, switched off when not in use.
  7. No more than six pilots are to fly at the same time.
    A student and instructor count as one.
  8. All aircraft shall be marked with an Operator ID.
  9. Solo flying is only permitted under the following conditions:
    • The pilot has a valid flyer ID or RCC test certificate.
    • The aircraft has a valid Operator ID
    • The pilot must have valid insurance.
    • The pilot has a BMFA (A) or SAA (Bronze) or higher certificate
      For the type of aircraft to be flown
      A ‘Certified’ pilot is present and in Attendance
      Is considered to be a pilot that holds a current BMFA or SAA certificate in the appropriate discipline. (Fixed Wing, Heli etc)
      Is considered to be observing the flying pilot and not involved in another activity and must be in the vicinity of the pilot and able to take control or offer advice, in the event of an emergency.
  10. There shall be no intentional flying towards the pits area. Aircraft should be kept outside the red/orange markers as much as possible.
  11. Running of IC engines shall only be carried out in the designated area.
  12. All aircraft shall have a fail safe set that, on loss of transmitter signal:
    For IC engines sets it to idle, or where possible stops it.
    For Electrics stops the motor
    (This can be requested to be demonstrated by any committee member at any time.)
  13. All aircraft shall have a throttle cut facility set.
    For IC engines that will not stop they must go to idle.
    (This can be requested to be demonstrated by any committee member at any time.)
  14. If an auto pilot device is fitted, it should be used in conjunction with the fail-safe device.
  15. In the event of full-size aircraft overflying the site, pilots should fly low circuits or land until the aircraft has departed the airspace used for model flying.
  16. Infringements of the Safety Rules or any safety concerns should be reported to a committee member.
    Repeated failure to comply with site safety rules may result in the member being asked to cease flying.
  17. Any incident involving a third party or another member must be reported to a member of the committee for further action.
  18. Access to the pits area is restricted to the following:
    • Pilots
    • Students with an instructor
    • Visitors that are under the control, and accompanied by a pilot
      (This is only to allow visitors to see things in the pits. They must be accompanied at all times)
  19. Access to the runways is restricted to:
    • Pilots/Instructors/Assistants placing planes for take off.
    • Pilots/Instructors/Assistants retrieving planes.
    • Hand launch pilots/assistants for take off.
  20. Any pit tables moved to the IC starting area must be returned to the pits area cleaned.
  21. The last person leaving the site to ensure:
    • All buildings are locked and windows closed.
    • The gas supply is off.
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